Hanneh Gunderson

Categories: Condolences, Student

This horrendous tragedy that occurred on our campus has rocked the 49er family to our core. The heartbreak, the terror, and the grief now hang over campus like a dark cloud, but the light is coming as we progress together and heal as a family of 30,000. Our memories of those directly impacted and the heroes that lost their lives shall never be forgotten. Niner Nation, we have a new responsibility: speak the heroes names, share their stories, don’t let anyone forget who they are. Keep the families in your thoughts and prayers. Be there for your 49er family. Provide a shoulder to cry on, be a stronghold of support, and act as a safe space to process the trauma with. This cannot and will not happen again. We are Charlotte strong, and nothing can tear down Niner Nation. Remember: in the midst of the darkest times, the light is sure to come.