Daniel Hirt

Categories: Condolences, Faculty

Words cannot describe the heartbreak this community has endured. I have never been more proud of the place I call home after seeing the way the Niner Nation united during this time. This is an exceptional place, with beyond incredible people. We will forever be changed, but we will emerge stronger than ever. It has been beyond an honor and privilege to serve as both a student and TA in my department, and as such I have come to see the strength of UNC Charlotte as an exceptional center of learning and community. My heart aches for the victims, and their names are ones that will never leave my thoughts as long as I am alive. Riley was a true hero in that he put the lives of others before his own. He defines without question what it means to be a 49er. I can say the same about Reed – a truly remarkable young man and a shining light on our campus. I will never forget his presence in CCI and the classroom in which I had the pleasure of meeting him. My heart goes out to them, their families, as well as every one of the victims injured. United we stand for them, together we are stronger than ever. #CharlotteStrong